42 Mile Crossing to Mt. Gambier

May 14 to Kingston SE

May 15 to Robe
This was an easy 45km spin with a howling tailwind. So much fun !

May 17 to Millicent

May 18 to Mt. Gambier
I was going to go to Penola today, but made a late decision to try My. Gambier instead. Penola would have meant wineries and a nice restaurant but I didn’t really want to do that by myself. I thought a blue lake, sinkholes and a brewery would be more fun.

So, over coffee in the morning, I charted a course that took in quiet back roads and dirt roads. It was a little into the wind in parts, but that’s character building right ?

It was very flat and I could see the rain showers coming and going. I got wet on leaving but managed to dodge most of it. I rode into the wind for about 8kms near the wind farm then turned left and set the spinnaker along a hard packed dirt road that was typically South Australian – excellent.

I had lunch near a pine forest and the world was wonderful, until the road turned into a sandy, wet goat track. Luckily, I was feeling adventurous because it turned out very well. I disturbed a dozen roos who really didn’t want to move, but felt they had to – I don’t blame them, it was a great spot for a nap.

I finally made it to the outskirts of town and joined their new and very very good bike path through the old railway yards etc.

I’m camping in a small downtown campground – feels a little out of place in a town this size

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