Zevenhuizen to Waalwijk

This morning, I had a newly serviced bike with a new suspension seatpost so it felt a bit like Christmas. While it was sad to say goodbye to Paul and Marlies, I was looking forward to the next part of this adventure. I had been here for four nights and wasn’t yet tired of Paul’s humour 😁. Marlies is one of the kindest people I know. If that’s not enough, she makes incredibly good coffee ! I met both of their kids 17 years ago and they’ve both grown into interesting, talkative and smart adults. Thanks for putting up with me !

Bye bye Paul and Marlies and thanks !

The ride started into the wind and when I went past Prins Alexander, I looked for a bakery to get the food for the day. I couldn’t find one but found a Decathlon store, my favourite. I needed new sunnies and the sun was shining, so it was perfect. When I came out of the store, the rain was pelting down and it was dark and gloomy. Using sunnies would have to wait.

Kinderdijk – always good for a photo

The route took me past Kinderdijk with its iconic row of old windmills. I’d been there before, so I didn’t feel like going in, besides, I still had a long way to go. I had lunch by the Maas and was feeling pretty good, so I messaged my friends, Eric and Petra and said I’d be there soon.

Then my GPS stopped. No problem, I’ll just restart it. Then it rained, so I stopped, put a cover on my rear bag, and donned the poncho and kept going. Then the rain stopped, then it started, and …

Then the GPS pointed me to a ferry terminal. That would have been fine, but the next ferry wasn’t for an hour. That’s ok, I’ll just plan another route, but the rain started and I went through the same exercise as before. When I finally got up to the next bridge and crossed it, I promptly missed a turnoff, backtracked and still couldn’t see where I had to go.it turns out, there was a small track worn in the grass, no more that 300mm wide – ridiculous. I’d wasted so much time by this stage that I wouldn’t arrive until 6pm.

On the way into Waalwijk, there were some really nice villages as well as another ferry – which I didn’t have to wait for.

I met Eric and Petra on a bike trip in Tibet and hadn’t seen them since. It was great to see them. I had a superb home cooked meal and we talked and talked. We glanced at our watches later, expecting it to be about 10:30pm, but it was 12:45am. I guess that’s a good indicator of how nice it was to see them !

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