Easter and getting to the start line

I had a fantastic weekend in Margate lowith Timo and Kath. I’m so proud of what they’ve done and what they’re doing.

Our digs in Margate

We wandered around Margate, walked to Broadstairs, sampled various English beers and had a quintessential English experience by the sea.

Even the bike has sea views

Of course it was cold and wet for most of the time, but when the sun came out, so did the crowds and it was beautiful.

Perfect Beach weather

On the last morning, we went to Whitstable and looked around the lovely village, then said our goodbyes at the station.

Oyster time

That was a bit sad, as the last couple of weeks is the most that I’ve seen of them since I started this journey more than a year ago.

I decided that rather than ride to Newhaven and take the ferry to Dieppe, I’d get a train to Dover and start the journey in Calais. Either way, I’ll be lucky to make it to Paris by Saturday – not very good planning on my part but it’ll work. Besides, there are trains along my route if need be.Dover was largely shut when I was there. I lived it up at the Best Western on the harbour and got some essential provisions for the tour – coffee and muesli 😁

Go on mate, you’ll make it easily …

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