Getting going again. Albury to Corrowa

The bus to Albury was the usual as far as bus journeys go. Fairly comfortable, but full of irritating people and happenings. What was I expecting ? All was forgotten though, for my 1.5km ride from the bus stop to the hotel at 1:30am. What a buzz ! Early Friday morning in Albury was very very quiet and cold. At the motel, the lockbox wasn’t lit, so it was a bit of fun to find. However, once inside I quickly fell asleep.

I had about half a day before Brendan and Alfons arrived, so I had a look around Albury. The place is looking fantastic and seems to be undergoing some sort of rejuvenation. I found a camping shop where I got a water bladder, something I’ll definitely use after the Mawson Trail if not before. I was still knackered after the bus ride, so I took it easy until the boys arrived. We had a few drinks and a meal in the hotel bar / restaurant. It was fantastic to catch up. I hadn’t met Alfons before but had heard all about him.

On Saturday morning, we had breakfast over the road at the market and went our separate ways. I followed the GPS directions out of Albury onto some quiet roads, then some dirt roads all the way into Rutherglen. Had some lunch and I had to show my Vax certificate. I haven’t done that since leaving Qld.

From Rutherglen, I picked up the rail trail for 10kms of boredom but no cars, which was ok because I was getting tired. Corowa is a nice town, but I couldn’t decide what to do. There was a fair amount of rain predcted for tomorrow so I finally opted for a motel.

Dinner was a felafel roll from the recommended local shop, and another first – they only took cash.

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