Gympie to Kilkivan

Today’s ride on Komoot

I’m sorry there aren’t many photos. I’m still not in touring / blogging mode (and really, the scenery has been pretty monotonous).

I slept in until 8:30am. Must have needed it. It was ok too because I’d read that the traffic on the road to Widgee decreased around 9am.

Breakfasted and away just after 9:30am, I jumped into the traffic on, surprise surprise, another very hilly road. It was like yesterday – no relaxing in the first 15kms but today, the traffic wasn’t so well behaved. In fact, it was hopeless, but things improved and finally I made it to the Widgee General Store after nearly 25kms.

I had second breakfast ony mind and choose scrambled eggs on toast. The young girl behind the counter pulled a face and said – “I don’t know how to make that. I can ask my boss !” 

I thought it best not to order. My next choice elicited the same response, so I went for a pre-made egg and lettuce on wholemeal. That drew a look of relief.

My plan was to take a steep dirt road from here, but the rain clouds turned me off that idea. While eating, I found another route and went for that

This new route took me through Woolooga where I stopped for a cold drink before heading out of the small town.

I saw the road closed signs. And ignored them, assuming that if be able to get through whatever it was. I was hoping to join up with the Bicentennial National Trail.

As it turned out, the bridge over the Mary River was being replaced and I couldn’t see a way across, so I turned around. I also copped some abuse from an old guy “working” there. “What’s wrong with you mate ? Didn’t you read the signs ? They say ROAD CLOSED !” I told him that I can usually cross creeks and shallow rivers and he should mind his own business. IdIot.

My only option was to head back to the highway for the 18kms to Kilkivan. A few kms out is a roadside camp area and the turnoff to a popular campsite. They weren’t answering their phone, so I was a little suspicious. I didn’t want to ride the 4kms out there if I had to come back.

Checking through their website revealed that they were closed in November. Then I found a free camp in town and headed there.

No tents allowed ! Whaaaat ??? I didn’t want to be moved on after I’d set up, so I enquired at the pub over the road and got the last room.

I guess it pays to be flexible. Today, I changed plans quite a few times.

As luck would have it, there’s a big storm arriving now. Glad I’m not in my tent tonight.

Some storms around

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