This was my earliest start of the trip. I left the hotel before 6am and got to the station before 6:30am as suggested by the railway guys the previous day.
Funny they suggested that, because as it turns out, the train was scheduled to arrive at 5:55am but never does. I know that feeling.

And it was a completely uneventful trip. The bike was coming on a later train and I had accommodation not far from the station, so I checked in, ate (of course) and went back to collect the bike. It was clockwork. Well done Thai Railways.

So, then it was off to Bok Bok Bike to have them check it over. I’ve done 9000kms so far and wanted an expert to make sure it goes well for the next 9000. It was a crowded little shop full of nice people and great bikes. I left it there promising to return on Friday.
Back to the hotel and out to dinner with my old mate Paul Kenny who lives here in BKK. We’ve known each other since university days and he leads a very different life these days, but I can’t tell you how good it was to catch up. We talked for hours over a superb Italian meal, and we’ll catch up again for longer when I’m back here before flying home for Xmas. Thanks Paul ! The conversation was about substantial topics as well as an update on kids etc.
The next day, I navigated my way to Decathlon (my personal outfitter) to replace a shirt and shorts that were problematic. I thought the shirt was great but then I noticed that my back is getting a good suntan. Turns out the light coloured shirt turns translucent when wet, which is 99% of each ride. Not good. The shorts looked to me like a very fast drying fabric but alas that simply wasn’t the case. Hopefully, the replacements work better.

Believe it or not, I spent a lot of time walking around BKK and that shows that I’m used to the climate here, …. or stupid.

On Friday, I dropped by Bok Bok Bike again and picked up my machine (I wanted to call it the hulk, but that’s just too disrespectful). It really is a nice bike.

Kob from Bok Bok is a great guy who really knows his stuff. Sitting outside his shop were 3 bikes he’d been working on – 3 of the most famous touring bikes in the world – my Koga World Traveller, a Thorn Nomad and a Tout Terrain. Rohloffs all ’round.
He found the source of one annoying clicking noise, regreased and adjusted the bottom bracket, thoroughly checked the wheels and spokes etc. I’ll also need a new front chainring (belt-ring ?) as this one isn’t round anymore. It was probably damaged on a Malaysian bus or a ferry somewhere. I’ve known about it since Phuket, but was hoping the movement was a bottom bracket bearing.
And the good news ? Kob’s brother runs a bike shop in Chiang Mai, where I’m heading, so I’ll get him to order the parts for when I arrive.