Lhasa to Tingri via Everest Base Camp

Yes, this was a supported tour, but that is the only way that you can legitimately ride in these parts. The tour company was a little disorganised, but the guides who rode with us, and the camp cooks were absolutely wonderful.

We had 11 riders and it worked pretty well. At times we rode together and other times it was nice to ride alone or in pairs or threes. Every day was full of stops for photos, drinks and generally gazing at the wonderful landscape of Tibet as it unfolded. The Chinese presence was constant in the cities and villages, but more subtle in the countryside. We were never far from a new mobile tower or large power lines.

Altitude was an issue. Being an asthmatic, I struggled for our three days in Lhasa, but once I started taking Diamox, I had no issues. Most people were doing the same.

I’ll try and give you a feel for the tour in the individual posts. In short, I had a wonderful time, but I won’t be in a hurry to do a supported tour any time soon.

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