4 degrees at 8am again, so I was in no mood to hurry. My plan today was to ride to Melun then take a train into Paris.
First, I rode to the small supermarket and got some goodies for breakfast, then found a spot in the morning sun, and sat down and made coffee and ate. Getting warm was one thing – getting the tent fairly dry was another, so I slowly packed and let the sun do its job. It failed miserably, so the tent went into an additional dry bag and into the pack.

The ride in was really relaxed until about an hour away. I sat by the Seine, made coffee and ate my second breakfast. It was so nice, I could have stayed all day. The water was really clear and the sun was shining, so I delayed my departure until the latest point.

About 10 mins after leaving, Minou called so I stopped and had a chat. After a while I realised that I had to really hoof it to make the train. I ended up making it with ten minutes to spare which was perfect.

The trip into Paris was uneventful on the crowded train and the ride from Gare du Lyon to Marialaura’s place was easy and direct. It was great to catch up with such a dear friend, and tomorrow Minou flies in from Sydney.