Old Sukhotai to New Sukhotai

I took the bike track for the 12kms to New Sukhotai. It was fantastic. It wound through villages and housing beside a small river, and had very little traffic or dogs or hills – does it get better ?

The bike path to Sukhotai

I didn’t leave early because I wouldn’t be able to check in too early. As it was, I arrived at the Mango House at around 11:30am and the room was free. As is now usually the case, the people there are wonderful.

This is a small hotel with a restaurant on the roof, and a pool. My intention was to eat, then hang by the pool. As it turned out, finding food on sunday afternoon was problematic and took me a while. So I then went for the 150THB (about $6AUD) Thai massage which was painful but I’m sure it did me some good.

The pool

On the way back to the Mango House, I stopped at 7-11 for water and snacks and managed to kick my toe on a piece of concrete outside. It’s my fault for wearing thongs around this town, but the toe is definitely broken and super painful.

The middle toe was black and purple in the morning

A nap was needed before hitting the pool, but after snoozing, I woke up to the sound of thunderstorms which ruined my chances of a swim.

Dinner was upstairs at the restaurant – very very nice, AND followed a mango smoothie. I went to bed a very happy cyclist.

After the last flood, they walled off the river

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