I took the bike track for the 12kms to New Sukhotai. It was fantastic. It wound through villages and housing beside a small river, and had very little traffic or dogs or hills – does it get better ?

I didn’t leave early because I wouldn’t be able to check in too early. As it was, I arrived at the Mango House at around 11:30am and the room was free. As is now usually the case, the people there are wonderful.
This is a small hotel with a restaurant on the roof, and a pool. My intention was to eat, then hang by the pool. As it turned out, finding food on sunday afternoon was problematic and took me a while. So I then went for the 150THB (about $6AUD) Thai massage which was painful but I’m sure it did me some good.

On the way back to the Mango House, I stopped at 7-11 for water and snacks and managed to kick my toe on a piece of concrete outside. It’s my fault for wearing thongs around this town, but the toe is definitely broken and super painful.

A nap was needed before hitting the pool, but after snoozing, I woke up to the sound of thunderstorms which ruined my chances of a swim.

Dinner was upstairs at the restaurant – very very nice, AND followed a mango smoothie. I went to bed a very happy cyclist.