Past Danseys Pass to Kurow

Today’s ride on Komoot

It was hard to leave the campsite, so I lingered over some muesli and coffee. I finally packed up and headed off, knowing that there was a steep climb waiting for me just a few kilometres down the road.

Looking back at the campsite

It was a climb alright, and it went for much more than the kilometre I thought it was going to last for. The Dutch people I met at the Naseby General Store two days ago, came up in their small 4WD, stopped and we talked for a while. As they left a cycle tourer came by. So we chatted for a while too. From the last five days, it seems that this bike touring thing is the domain of middle aged men only 😁

… and up we go

I was almost within sight of the summit but had spent the last half hour talking. Thats fine with me.

I finally went over the top thinking that there would be no further uphills. However, this is NZ and I quickly came to my senses.

The approach to Duntroon was along the Alps to Ocean (A2O) Cycle Trail which I was going to follow in reverse from here to Lake Tekapo. I had no idea how long that would take.

Duntroon had a nice cafe for second breakfast. While I was there, local farmers came in to get their lunch and coffees. The lady running the place was totally in control. One guy came in, hardly said more that five or six words but got the order he needed for him and his wife. It went like this:
• Hi
• are you having your usual BLT with chips , one flat white and a latte ?
• ok
• is Cheryl (?) wanting a latte or chai today ?
• dunno
• ok, let’s give her a latte. She hasn’t had one for a while
• righto
• tap your phone here and we’re done
• grunt

Love it !

The cafe in Duntroon

After that, I hit the trail for the easy 25kms into Kurow. It was quite warm by the time I got there and I was hungry again, so cruised up the only street and stopped at a very cool looking cafe that offered accommodation. The place closed for the day as I put my bike in the bike stand.

It took one time through, to work out the best way of navigating these things. I pity the poor people with panniers

I went to walk in and a lady came out and asked if I needed anything. I asked about accommodation and she said $250. Same price for one person. It’s a small one street town, and this was ridiculous.

I ended up staying at the pub a few doors down with great rooms and new facilities. The dinner there was nice too.

Again, I’m astounded at how expensive NZ can be.

A thumbs up for the A2O so far

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