I left the strange hotel after a nice breakfast and a chat to Minou, descended the goods lift to my bike and headed out. It rained immediately, and that’s the worst way to start any day – cold and wet.
After some suburbs, the recommended trail went through a forest and a number of rural areas. It was beautiful but cold, and damp. The rain then stopped abruptly and wouldn’t reappear for the rest of the day.

The path went through the well to do area of Versailles and the cars there were ridiculously considerate. It’s something I’m slowly getting used to after a month in NZ – nice drivers that don’t try to kill me.
Bike paths and roads recommended by mapping apps usually avoid traffic and that means that they’ll often bypass towns, but that’s where the atmosphere is, in the smaller places. It’s also where the food is, so I’ll often go off trail to refuel.
Today’s second breakfast was a patisserie (they seem to be everywhere here). I can get used to this. The pastries here are so much better than those I had in England, and you can always get an espresso there too. It’s all so nice on a cold wet day.

Not long after, I came around a bend at the top of a hill, and the Eiffel Tower was framed between buildings. It was a wake up call – Hello ! You’re really in Paris, one of my favourite places in the world.

The ride in, was pretty easy apart from a few turns and bridges. I went around the racecourse and through more gardens before I found myself in some shopping streets full of Saturday shoppers.

And down the hill was the tower again. From one icon to another, I rode for a few kilometres along the Seine past thousands of tourists. It was still overcast, cold and early in the season, so I can only imagine how busy this place will be in Summer.

I found the house of my old friend Marialaura whom I’ve known for over forty years. This will be home for the next few days before leaving to meet up with Dennis for the ride to Slovenia.
Anna F, if you’re reading this, I had four nights of “Italian mothering” here too. You two have a lot in common 😁 !!
My four days in Paris were spent wandering the city eating some fantastic home cooking and spending time with Marialaura and one of her old friends Benedicte – they were absolutely wonderful company and helped me so much.