Recuperating in Vienna

I took a break from daily blogging. I just felt like I was rushing it in the time available. To be fair, a lot of my time was taken up with route planning and options (and hanging out with two great guys). The route planning was a day to day thing, given the terrible weather in Slovenia and Italy. It felt like every day, we were trying to avoid bad weather. We did a good job at it too😁

As soon as I start doing interesting things again, I’ll start blogging. It really feels like reset time. I’m in Vienna and have a raging cold or sinus infection which has stopped me in my tracks. We’ve all gone our separate ways – Franklin back to England and Dennis back to Aus, so it feels like an entirely different tour is about to start. Hopefully, it’s one without so much rain and cold.

Add to that a new tent and an Irish passport which I’ll pick up on a flying visit to the UK, so everything (including the weather) is about to change. It’s all very exciting, but first I have to shake this cold.

Initially, I was going to ride 80kms north today, but I felt so bad at 6am, that I booked a place for two more nights to try and recover.

I say “reset” because I want to get back into a rhythm of cooking and camping at least half the time. It’s been restaurants and hotels the whole time so far, apart from a few Airbnb’s where we cooked our dinner. It’s been great, but I’d like to mix it up far more. All I need is for the weather to co-operate.

Over time, I’ll fill in the missing week in the nlog

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