Lots of rain overnight but I couldn’t be bothered bringing in the clothes I had left drying outside the tent. I should never have left them there as there seems to be a heavy dew every night at the moment. Anyway, after 5 days of riding and only one to go before some rest days, I felt lazy and left them there. I’d just escaped the mosquitos and wasn’t going outside again.
Some people arrived at the campground at around midnight in the rain. They talked and sniggered for about 30 or 40.minutes. I was lying in my tent trying to work out what was going on based on the noises. I failed miserably and only discovered the truth in the morning. Two local cyclists had arrived, put up their tents and got set up in the rain. That was a very good effort.

I left knowing there was only 70kms to go to Tallinn and was hoping that yesterday’s wind would continue. Alas it had swung around and that meant that I had a major headwind for the last thirty kms.

I clicked over 20,000 kms for the trip today. That sounds a lot, but its not really. Lots of cyclists do far more than that.

After making it to the outskirts of Tallinn and the industrial zone, I rode for a few kms beside some lakes, then past blocks of apartments along a wide separated path. There were futsal fields, playgrounds, ponds, water features and loads of people out enjoying the area. The last section was along the seafront and beach. Unfortunately, there were cruise ships in the harbour and that would mean hordes of tourists, but I was looking forward to Tallinn.
I found my apartment and its a shoebox, but that’s fine. Its bigger than my tent.

I went into the old town for dinner and bumped into Alice and Paul, the Dutch couple I’d met in Häädmeeste. It was nice to see them and they gave me some tips on where to go.

Between the apartment and the old town, there are many many city blocks of roads and footpaths, completely dug up, with new sewerage mains, water pipes, power etc. being renewed. I was amazed at the scale of the operation and how quickly they were working. Every day I had in Tallinn, there was major progress. I assume they need to do it all before winter comes.