Sydney to Brisbane


I’m riding from Sydney to Brisbane in the hottest and busiest time of the year with one of my old friends and riding buddies, Greg. We’ve both toured back in the 80s and been constant cyclists since then. I recently spent a few weeks cycling in Tibet, but this is the first self supported tour for some time.

Greg and I will ride the whole distance, while Andy will join us for the first two days.

The timing is terrible, I know, but both of us are between jobs right now, so we are taking advantage of the opportunity. I was fortunately made redundant recently from a great small company that has a poisonous management team, so I’m glad to be out of that and grateful to have some time to spend on the bike right now.

We’ll try to avoid the Pacific Highway as much as we can, but that’s not possible the whole way.

The plan is to camp where possible, and get the riding done before the days warm up, so I can spend the rest of the day at the beach, pub, cafe, under a tree, asleep …

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